July 17, 2008

Mechanism behind stress and Immune System Link - well, we've been saying for years that there's a link between chronic stress and chronic illness, even cancer, and now Eggheads have found out exactly what the deal is - it's those pesky Telomeres.

July 16, 2008

My wife left me because the dolphins at Sea World gave me an erection

July 15, 2008


July 14, 2008

LimerickDB - you can browse limericks or submit your own. Search before you do, tho'. Latest submissions and random ones are worth a browse, too. more inside

July 10, 2008

Windows update leads to web black-out - Hundreds of thousands of people who use the ZoneAlarm firewall to protect their PC have been locked out of the internet by Microsoft's latest round of software updates.

July 07, 2008

Scientists Map the 10 Billion Neurons of Human Cerebral Cortex & Find a Central Switchboard - The non-invasive technique of Diffusive Spectrum Imaging has enabled an international team of scientists to get inside the human head without breaking anything. The system has mapped the mass of ten billion neurons that make up the human cerebral cortex - and found a central switchboard hiding inside, a densely-packed region of connections which works hard even when the rest of the brain is chilling out.

July 03, 2008

In a story tailor-made for Monkeyfilter a 42-year-old chimpanzee, who eats with a knife and fork but also occasionally bites bits off people, has gone missing in a southern California forest after escaping from his cage. The owner is the same guy who was hideously mauled a few years ago while bringing the same Chimp a birthday cake (it wasn't the same ape that attacked him). more inside

July 02, 2008

The Tunguska Mystery 100 Years Later - something over Tunguska went kablammo in 1908 - nobody knows what or why. Might not have been an asteroid, because there's no meteoritic debris - although some suggest Lake Cheko may be an impact crater. more inside

June 30, 2008

Quantum of Solace - teaser trailer. Epic. That is all.
What is Hanny's Voorwerp? The mystery celestial object is.. it is.. well.. it is green, not of any clear galaxy type, and situated below a relatively normal looking spiral galaxy.

June 28, 2008

Man dressed as penis disrupts graduation - "Once I stopped laughing, he was pretty easy to catch because he was tripping on the lower portion of the costume," said Police Sgt. Sean Briscoe. With pic. more inside

June 26, 2008

How massive is Google? It processes 20 Petabytes of a data a day. This article will help you appreciate the humongousnessness.

June 24, 2008

Afro Ninja - THE MOVIE

June 21, 2008

Map of the Milky Way Galaxy. Mouseover for feature labels.

June 18, 2008

GOATSE creature in SPORE - the Spore creature creator demo has been released as a prelude to the full game later in the year. Someone has already gone ahead and created an animal that looks like.. well you can see what it looks like. YouTube vid, short and sweet. It should be safe for work, cos there's no.. you know.. but in reality, it probably isn't.

June 14, 2008

When Candy Design Goes Wrong - Gummi Lighthouses. I don't need to say anything.

June 13, 2008

A piglet on a farm in northern England has conquered its "fear of mud" with a set of miniature gumboots. Pig in boots (video & article). BBC version (with vid). The Mirror is there too. more inside

June 05, 2008

3 Ideas That Are Pushing the Edge of Science - 1: Spermobots. 2: Fusion On Tap. 3: Two-Time Physics.

June 03, 2008

First Contact, The Zoo Hypothesis And The Prime Directive 'You've probably seen the incredible photographs the Brazilian government recently released of an uncontacted tribe deep in the heart of the Amazon... A connection exists between this story and the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence...' more inside

May 29, 2008

Curious George: Age of Conan Hi there. Are Monkeys interested in playing Age of Conan? more inside
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